Monday, January 6, 2020

Analysis Of One World The Ethics Of Globalization Essay

Peter Singer, the author of One World: The Ethics of Globalization, wrote this book/thesis to point out all of the global economic and political problems that are plaguing our world and suggests a few solutions in the hopes that it can help turn the current state of our world in the right direction to help find answers for the long-term problems of humanity and not just rely on the short-term fixes. From a â€Å"global ethical viewpoint† he distills all of his views on the problematic nature of the world’s governments and their respective unions/organizations into four categories of issues perpetuated by said governments; humanity’s impact on the environment, the international trade regulations of the World Trade Organization, national sovereignty, and the distribution of aid to nations in need from first world countries. He identifies these as the four main issues in the day and age of globalization that needs to be rectified in order to improve the state of the globe, relations between the nations, and mankind in general. In his book, Singer cites many current events (in 2002 when the book was published) and how they have affected the Nations, World Trade Organization, the United Nations, etc. He argues that the governments of the world have been so self-concerned that they don’t realize the real impact that they are having on the Earth as a whole and he hopes to raise awareness of their impact and get them thinking about the big picture of the environment and relations ratherShow MoreRelatedThe American Red Cross1243 Words   |  5 PagesThe American Red Cross: Management Analysis Chris Crawford, Amanda Kvedrowicz, Sarah Lawrence, Christine Moaga, Betsy Rush MGT/330 March 1, 2010 Ronald Sprague The American Red Cross: Management Analysis The American Red Cross (2010) website tells of an organization guided by the principles of humanity, impartiality, neutrality, independence, and voluntary service whose mission is to, â€Å"provide relief to victims of disaster and help people prevent, prepare for, and respond to emergencies†Read MoreGlobalization Is An Undeniable Reality Of The Modern World Essay1630 Words   |  7 PagesGlobalization is an undeniable reality of the modern world. 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